Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Manhattan Beach 10K - A History Extending Four Decades

Based in Los Angeles, Kalley Aman is an attorney with Buchalter, APC, where she is a Shareholder in the labor and employment and litigation practice groups. Kalley Aman has competed in almost every Manhattan Beach 10K since 2011, earning medals for top standings in her age division.

When the Manhattan Beach 10K was launched in 1979, running and jogging’s popularity was just beginning to take off, particularly in coastal California areas. The initial race was expected to attract just a few hundred people, but it instead drew nearly 2,000 runners. That number doubled at the next year’s race. 

In the 40 years since that time, funds raised by the event have contributed to approximately $100,000 in academic scholarships as well as the placement of exercise equipment in community parks. 

At the same time, the Manhattan Beach 10K has maintained an emphasis on camaraderie. It welcomes teams and families as well as racers of all ages. The oldest-ever racer was 93-year-old Jack Tsu.